2019-2020 Report Highlights the four-decade long commitment by Japanese-brand automakers to U.S. consumers and workers.
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2018-2019 annual report highlights Japanese-brand automakers longstanding commitment to its workers and the U.S. automotive industry.
Continue reading2017-2018 Contributions Report Highlights 35 Years of JAMA Members’ Manufacturing Presence in America
New annual report highlights Japanese-brand automakers 35 year history as an integral part of the U.S. automotive industry.
Continue reading2016-2017 Annual Contributions Report Shows JAMA Members’ Dynamic Role in the U.S. Auto Industry
New annual report shows Japanese-brand automakers dynamic role in the U.S. automotive industry and continued dedication to Driving America’s Automotive Future.
Continue reading2015-2016 Contributions Reports Shows JAMA Members’ Continued Dedication to Investing in America
2015-2016 Contributions Reports Shows JAMA Members’ Continued Dedication to Investing in America
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