About JAMA
The Principal Source of Japanese Auto Industry Information in the U.S.
JAMA USA is the U.S. branch office of the Tokyo-based Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association. Our mission is to analyze and report on political, economic and other significant events taking place in the U.S. that affect the Japanese automobile industry and to represent the operational needs of JAMA headquarters in a manner which enhances the credibility and respect of the association and its members. Activities include government, media, industry and general public relations. We are the principal source of information in the U.S. regarding the Japanese automobile industry. This includes information regarding the investment, production and employment of our members operating in the U.S.
JAMA Tokyo
The Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA) is the nonprofit trade association of the 14 manufacturers of passenger cars, trucks, buses and motorcycles in Japan, which was established in April 1967. JAMA’s headquarters are in Tokyo and its branch offices are in Washington, D.C., Brussels, Singapore and Beijing. JAMA’s objective is to promote the sound development of the motor industry by supporting our members as they serve the consumer, contribute to prosperity and improve the environment in those communities around the world in which they build and sell their products.
To accomplish this objective, JAMA engages in a wide variety of activities that include:
- Representing the Japanese motor vehicle industry on national and international issues.
- Working towards the international harmonization of motor vehicle standards.
- Providing information on the Japanese auto industry in Japan and worldwide.
- Undertaking studies on auto parts and materials and the environment.
- Coordinating programs on traffic safety, fuel economy and environmental protection.
- Undertaking and sponsoring auto-related research and conducting surveys relevant to the use of motor vehicles and motorcycles worldwide.