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New Employment Study Shows JAMA Members Support 1.5 Million U.S. Jobs


For Immediate Release
July 12, 2016
Contact: Matt Well

Japanese-brand Automakers in America Surpass U.S. Employment Trends

Washington, D.C. – Rutgers University Economics Professor Thomas J. Prusa, PhD, today released an employment study entitled, “The Contribution of the Japanese-Brand Automotive Industry to the United States Economy.” The study, which examines 2015 employment data provided by the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association’s U.S. office (JAMA USA), shows that Japanese-brand automakers support more than 1.5 million U.S. jobs when spin-off and intermediate (suppliers, etc.) jobs are added to direct and dealer-network employment figures.

Dr. Prusa’s analysis also reveals that since his first study, conducted using 2011 data, employment supported by Japanese-brand automobile companies’ activities in America has grown by more than 17%. In comparison, overall U.S. employment has grown by only 7.5%. “This data is remarkable in that it shows Japanese-brand automobile companies are playing a leading role in the recovery and growth of the U.S. economy,” said Dr. Prusa.

“Every job provided by JAMA members’ manufacturing, R&D, headquarters and sales operations in the U.S. supports two or more additional intermediate and spin-off jobs,” said Manny Manriquez, General Director of JAMA USA. “From parts suppliers, to logistics providers, and the local businesses in the communities where our members’ employees live, over a million jobs are supported by the more than 460,000 employees of Japanese-brand automakers and their dealer networks across the U.S. Add those together and we have our 1.5 million jobs footprint in America,” added Manriquez.

Other key findings of the report include:

• The 1.5 million U.S. jobs supported by Japanese-brand automobile companies in 2015 is an increase of over 225,000 jobs since 2011 (up more than 17%).

• Direct employment (does not include dealership, intermediate or spin-off employment) by Japanese-brand automakers has grown by more than 20% since 2011 – in contrast to overall U.S. manufacturing employment, which has grown by only 5%.

• Total annual compensation from jobs generated by Japanese automakers in the U.S. has grown by over 33% since 2011 –reaching over $106 billion in 2015.


To read the report click Here

To learn more about the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA) USA, follow us on Twitter at @JapanAutosUSA and visit our website at


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