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Japanese Automakers Boost U.S. Investment and Reach Record-High Employment

For Immediate Release

Contact: Matt Well, 202-803-6828
June 8, 2015

Japanese Automakers Boost U.S. Investment and Reach Record-High Employment
New Data Demonstrates JAMA Members’ Strong Commitment to Manufacturing in America

Washington, D.C. – Today, the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA) USA office released new 2014 data showing a significant increase in Japanese automakers’ economic contributions to the United States. The 2014 data highlights record-high employment and growing investment by Japanese automobile companies in America.

Japanese automakers’ cumulative investment in the U.S. reached nearly $43 billion in 2014. Our member companies’ direct employment topped 91,000, with dealership employment posting significant gains as well. These figures demonstrate the ongoing commitment of Japanese automakers to the U.S. auto market and they signal a new day in Japanese brand auto manufacturing in America,” said Ron Bookbinder, General Director of JAMA USA.

The new all-time high jobs numbers are due to several factors, including an increasingly healthy U.S. auto market, the enduring popularity of Japanese brand vehicles in the U.S., and Japanese automakers’ commitment to producing in America.

The following 2014 data points are now available:



To learn more about the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA) USA, follow us on Twitter at @JapanAutosUSA and visit our website at


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