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Japanese Auto Manufacturing Leading to U.S. Jobs & Economic Growth: Year-End Report Released


(WASHINGTON) – It has been a positive year for the auto industry in the United States, with Americans buying more cars and trucks, and this is boosting the economy nationwide. Japanese auto manufacturing in the U.S. is a key component of this growth, according to Japan Automobile Manufacturers: Creating Economic Growth and Jobs in America, a new report by the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA) U.S Office. The report depicts how this growing investment has promoted cutting-edge technology, higher quality and more choices while creating vehicle manufacturing plants, R&D centers and new jobs across America. The full report may be found here:\pdf\brochure_Nov2012_2page.pdf

“Japanese automakers are bringing innovation and investment into the United States and this benefits the American consumer and the entire U.S. auto industry,” said William C. Duncan, General Director of JAMA USA. “This report reflects the commitment of Japanese automakers to quality jobs in communities throughout the United States.”

The report also contains several infographics about the state of the industry, including statistics on Japanese automakers’ alternative-powered car sales, local manufacturing, auto exports from the U.S., and purchases of U.S. auto parts in 2011. Key excerpts include:

1. Japanese brands make up 80% of the alternative-powered car sales in the U.S.

2. 68% of Japanese-brand vehicles sold in the U.S. are built in North America.

3. Japanese automakers exported 260,000 American-built cars & trucks to countries around the world.

4. Japanese automakers bought $43.24 billion in U.S. parts for vehicles built in the U.S. and Japan.

Read the report:\pdf\brochure_Nov2012_2page.pdf

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Matt Well


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